Thursday, February 25, 2010

What today will bring.

Well, I was going to have something NEW and AMAZING created but it didn't turn out right, so I'm working on the usual:

I've been dragging a little with my Etsy shop. I know I shouldn't feel this way but I am a bit jealous of other Etsians that are doing so well on Etsy and have only been on the website for a few months whereas I've been on Etsy for a couple of years. Of course they all deserve that success! And despite my own personal sadness I am so happy and gratified that people everywhere are finding alternatives and productive and successful outlets for their creativity...and making a living off of it! That is my own dream, but am left in the dust for now. Maybe the things I make don't appeal. Personally I love them and think they are beautiful, but but of course not everyone goes for the same thing. I'm pretty sure my main problem is that most people don't know that I exist, which is understandable.

But how the heck do I get myself OUT THERE? I thought about leaving my little cheaply-made business cards in every library book that I check out: I had a little internal fight between the good and evil of doing this...

GOOD: It's a free book mark! The cards are even kinda pretty!

BAD: It's spamming. Any way you look at it: SPAM, SPAM, SPAM.

My good conscience won out. There are no spontaneous Fujiirofae / Etsy business cards in random library books in the town of Temple, Texas.

It's good that my emotions swing back and forth. My feelings of having no purpose and getting nothing done that is meaningful will ease up. It seems that just working on my craft makes me feel better after a while. Hell, it's all I can do for now.

I still haven't found a job.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

All in a day's work.

I haven't been doing well in my shop. I finally figured out maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with the fact that my items aren't diverse enough. I suppose it isn't good enough to have all colors of the rainbows in assorted styles: I should push the boundaries a little more.
Of course these barrettes aren't earth-shattering, but they're a nice change and I think they are a lot more fun to make than the simple flower clips/bobby pins that I am so used to making.

Soon I will be a pushing the boundaries further than I'd ever imagined I could! But that--my secret project--will be kept a surprise for a while longer. I'll probably cough up a few more varied hair accessory sets before I spit out my surprise.
Nice mental image, yes? ;)

Friday, January 29, 2010

The past week. Or two.

I used to be a wonderful blogger. It is how I developed and cultivated my writing style (on livejournal and myspace blogs!)--

--but now. Now. I have such trouble finding things to write about. I suppose it's because I don't go out and be naughty like I used to.

All I have for everyone now are photos and statements on what I spend my time doing:

Making things.

Monday, January 11, 2010

First Day of Class!

It's been a few years since I last went to college and am so grateful to be back. Best thing said today:
"I don't accept any lazy dirtbags in this class" -- My aerobics instructor, to a roomful of women.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Brooches I made for myself.

And I have the worst habit of pronouncing "brooches" wrong. Instead of saying 'broach' I always say 'broooooch'.
Anyone else?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

My first post.

It's been a number of years since I've kept a blog going! I figured it might motivate me back into writing...but I also wanted to keep track of my own progress in various things such as:
1. My shop.
2. My cooking and eating habits.
3. My reading. And movie-watching.
4. My classes and education.
5. And anything else that happens to happen.

Exciting, I know!