Saturday, February 6, 2010

All in a day's work.

I haven't been doing well in my shop. I finally figured out maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with the fact that my items aren't diverse enough. I suppose it isn't good enough to have all colors of the rainbows in assorted styles: I should push the boundaries a little more.
Of course these barrettes aren't earth-shattering, but they're a nice change and I think they are a lot more fun to make than the simple flower clips/bobby pins that I am so used to making.

Soon I will be a pushing the boundaries further than I'd ever imagined I could! But that--my secret project--will be kept a surprise for a while longer. I'll probably cough up a few more varied hair accessory sets before I spit out my surprise.
Nice mental image, yes? ;)


  1. Pushing the boundaries is a good thing! Great Blog!

  2. Thank you! Sorry it took me so long to see this message. I've seriously been neglecting my blog, but I think I'm going to get back into it...
